was in the loveliest place in the world...
ok.. this is a super post dated post!!! Didnt really have much time to deal with the photos and all...so...finally have some time now!!!.....
When I was back in Singapore, i had a couple of initial'weird feelings'...
the first weird thing...was not being used to seeing BLUE CABS on the roads ! I dunno why but I just felt weird seeing blue cabs!! hahaa..Hk has red cabs...and I think on HK roads..there are more cabs than private cars...so have pretty much gotten used to seeing a sea of reds on the roads! So just felt weird seeing blue cabs again!
N the next strinkingly Wow feeling..was when I stepped into my house..it suddenly feels soooo big and huge!! N my room...feels LARGE!!! hahaa...ALl cause i have been living in a bird cage!!! Too bad..the theory of 'An animal grows according to the size of the environment its being thrown in' doesnt work on me...cause i PUT ON WEIGHT these past 5 months..the FIRST thing that lebby said was...U look like CHA SHAO NOW!!! *faints* Now tt its winter time....the body will automatically accumulate FATS! So I will become more rolly polly! hahaa
Frens..it ws indeed great catching up with all of u peeps again.....love u all to bitsiee.....some piccis
Thanks for picking me up! My family.dia, quan,leb,joel (leb and joel took a bus and 'chi gog chi gog' all the way to the airport!)

N not to forget....the Yellowstone PEEEPS!
Going crazy..look at maggie..she thinks shes a kangaroo!
My parents and their little one(s) =)
I will be back home again really soon!!!!!! Cant wait.......
u have many wonderful friends =)
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