Back from dormancy......
Yes its me again! Wonder if any1 is still reading this dormant motivation whatsoever to blog anymore.....Even I myself have almost forgotten how it looks like....but tonite just feel like visiting it again .....
2006 is over.....n first quarter of 2007 is almost over. What have I done over the past 3 months? I can't seem to recall anything significant or anything that I've done that's worth being happy or satisfied about...Tts extremely upsetting. Why does time pass so fast? Too fast for me to catch up. Everyday, I just churn one P & L after another. The date just rolls...the numbers just run....n the day is over in a twinkling of an eye. N in the evening, I just feel like going home to sleep and rest. No longer have the energy to go out and play every evening like in the past. I hate to admit that Im getting older...but no point living in denial. Ha Ha. I need to enjoy and savor this 'aging process'. Well I must say the past quarter has not been fantastic....Changes at work make it all worse. Well..being the optimistic me...or rather 'forced optimism' ...prayerfully the 2nd quarter of 2007 will be better! =)
Been busy packing stuff in the past week for our great big office move! Finally my company is shifting out of the grey old OCean Building to the brand new One Raffles Quay!!!! Tts building looks very posh and pretty....I like! Gosh I sound so superficial...but well...I think it helps a little to be working in a nice building then in a grey old building..with lifts that have doors which take more than a few seconds to open when they reach the floors and which 'creak and jump'....N the bus from the bus stop outside my house brings me right to the door steps of ORQ!!! Yay!! Weekday mornings are dreadful. Being able to get a seat on the bus for me to read the papers or just snore away till the bus pulls overs right at the doorsteps is redeeming.
One highlight in April would be the Good Friday program!!!!!! The program consists of 2 main skits.......N.....Im acting in one of them!! So exciting! But of cos feeling a little stressed as well...Not really abt remembering the lines...But putting in all the emotions that are needed to inject realism into the whole skit. Those with experience....HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! N please come! It will be on the 6th April 7.30 pm at AMtech Building Sin Ming Road...Let me know if you wanna come!
N after APril...once again it will be one wedding after another!! Gosh! I have 4 good frens getting married this year!! Busy Busy Busy!!
Hopefully I can have another holiday soon...I think I need one holiday every quarter....Tts where all my money for Guccis and Lvs go to....Rather spend them on holidaying then just on bags for now hee hee...... where will it be this time??? Hmm......
Think the big one this year (prob in Sep) would be New York n the nearby areas!!!!But so sad...JAckie and Elynn will be coming back already even b4 I have the chance to visit them.....nm theres still Janet and Lawrence! Hopefullly can squeeze in another big one at the end of the year to Europe or something!!! Tts really my dreeeeeaaammmmm continent....Need to set my foot on it sometime sooon.....Adeline's in Munich for a year for work. So Coooool!!! Maybe I should drop by for a visit...Sigh..When will I ever have such a chance to be seconded to such a beautiful place? Well, whatever will be will be........ many things to buy!!Haven bought my labtop and a new handphone thought I've been speaking about it for the longest time. The shared PC at home is crumbling and extremely unstable. Apple or Lenovo? Still very torn btw the 2!!! Ok I shall aim to get my labtop by e end of April...Lets see.......
N my dear Nokia keeps hanging all the time! Each time a msg comes in, the phone switches off automatically and switches on again by itself before I can read the msg. *Faints*. Will prob get a clam shell NON NOKIA phone for a change. Been too loyal a fan. Too boring. Change is good, just needs getting used to. Which will it be? LG KG 800 or Sony Ericsoon Z610I?? One is sleeeek and the other is sweeeet. Awww...hard decision.....Will get it by end of April too! wheee!

Enuff of haphazard ramblings tonite...Just typing whatever comes to mind....Bloggie will try to visit u more often! Definitely more after I get my lappy! to dreamland.....
oooh tom is a Saturday with NO BAND PRAC!!! Happy like a bird!!! Gonna visit Nai Nai (feel so guilty haven visited her for looong!) then maybe go for a hair cut and off to meet the peeeps!
I treasure weekends to the bits.
Have a great weekend guys! Buenos Nochays!
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