Knocks and Knock
Life is never a smooth direct one way journey...Just like driving a car, many times, I look back and ask myself, 'Aiya! Why didn't I turn left instead of right?' 'Why didnt I go straight instead of turning?' 'Why didn't I stop and think before deciding on this left turn'? Why Why WhY??' Before I know it, I have reached my destination?... ... ... There is never one correct way of doing something, or making the correct decision. There may be a shorter way, or longer way or more exciting way..But what is important is enjoying and learning something from every bit of that journey, whether long or short or sweet or tough......
Sometimes, I hit the 'wrong' (or rather unexpected) road, but end up learning about a new way to this place, or being surprised by some place which is a pretty site but which I would have never gotten there had I not hit the 'wrong' road. With these little surprises and nooks and corners, life just gets more exciting....N every bit of life's journey of life’s experience is precious…
Think some of u guys may Dad kinda got 'retrenched' a few months back. This threw the Yongs into a frenzied situation. With a whole long list of monthly bills to pay for, housing loan, property tax, road tax, petrol expenses, helper's salary, utilities bill (n the list goes on and on), worry shrouded the family. *sell the house* *sell the car* *tell the helper to go back home* *Rent out more rooms in the house* *Start moonlighting somewhere*
All kinds of thoughts ran through everyone's minds and the worry of $$$ casted a black shadow in the Kelichap nest of the Yongs. Other than this worry, a greater cause of worry was my Dad's health. In the last few months heading up to his last day at work, he shrank, losing kilo by kilo slowly everyday, caused by all the tension and stress in the organization. Went to A&E for extreme acute back pain. N, the lost of smile on his haggard face. Almost everyday, I dreaded coming home, I dreaded seeing my Dad in such a sad stage, I dreaded hearing talks about the lack of $$$, I dreaded hearing complaints, I dreaded questions about the stability of my job, I dreaded the feeling of helplessness. I dreaded it all. Although my faith was shaken, in this situation of helplessness, my only source of joy and hope was still…only God. Although I dreaded all that was going thru in my life, I somehow know that God is still in control and He will see us through... I kept the joy on my face, though my heart was hurting most times.
About 3 to 4 weeks after Dad's last day at work, was the start of Tung Ling Bible College School of Ministry 3 month term. Church friends have encouraged him to grab the golden opportunity to take up the course. However, it seemed he had not really intended to enter Tung Ling. He was simply just spending all his time and effort, trying all ways and means to think about finding another job, to provide the bread and butter, n concurrently losing more weight and joy than ever.
I rem on the first day (beg Jan 07) of the Tung Ling 3 month course, my Dad got admitted to A&E for that acute back pain. This somewhat caused further distress and distracted him from joining Tung Ling. However, on the further encouragement of church members and most importantly my mum and us, he decided to join Tung Ling and went to school on the 3rd day of Tung Ling Sch. Since then, albeit amazingly things were never the same again. Color, yes literally color, slowly started to seep back, brightening up his sunken appearance. The once forgotten smile found its way back to the face. This brought much comfort to the family.
N just around the 4th week of school, a call came from his ex colleague, and offered him an opportunity to join his firm, doing the same thing as what he had been doing for the past many years. How amazing is that? That someone who is nearly of retirement age will be ‘headhunted’ *hee* Instead of terminating his studies at Tung Ling to grab this job, he decided to honor God first and continuing in Tung Ling, with faith, not knowing if this golden opportunity will still be there, 2 months down the road.
2 months passed quickly, with his spiritual and physical self slowly nursing back to health. N with the family surviving alright financially. =) After 3 months of being immersed in God’s word and being blessed by the fellowship and encouragements of his teachers and fello brothers and sisters, the Yongs finally got to attend Dad’s graduation ceremony on 29th March 2007. I knew deep in my heart how important this graduation ceremony is in his heart. It’s definitely not about the glamour or glitz about being seen on stage receiving that certificate, It’s about that unspoken love and support a family exudes, just by being there at that ceremony. (If u think about it, usually unseen intangibles are the most precious in life) Seeing Daddy walk up the stairs to collect that certificate, filled me with unexplainable joy. I know in my heart, the Lord has answered my prayer, to fill Dad with that faith, joy, hope and confidence once again.
N...Just a little bonus to the 'story', the job opportunity which his ex colleague offered him, was still around the corner, waiting for him to start work on the very first Monday after his last day at Tung Ling. =) God is Good, All the Time.
Without the hard knocks and what not through the whole incident, I would never have discovered how much bills and expenses my parents had to clear every month. I would never have discovered how strenuous and painstaking it was for my parents to bring us up with a more than comfortable lifestyle all these year. I would never have discovered even the head of a household can be weak at times, and needs constant love, support and encouragements. I would never have had the chance to experience another of God’s miracle, once again.
I know He has been upholding the family all this while, to bring us through the waves and tides, to bring us through this humbling process. I believe, God leads us to some weird, unexpected roads on purpose when we are complacent with our lives sometimes. To bring us surprises and to teach us lessons in His ways. I thank God that He has held all 5 of us in his palm, close together amidst the storm. I believe there is still work to be done building stronger unity and bond in the family. As long as there is God, there is hope. He is unseen, but His hand is always there, upholding us. You just need to knock on the door and He is always there welcoming you with wide open arms.
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28
Picture taken at the Graduation with the Dean of the School
Can you see that glow?

A little symbol of God's miracle =)

I am terribly touched by this entry!!Is very well written and I believe the Holy Spirit is in this when you wrote this. Very flowy without a single mistake.
This entry will be a strong encouragement to me in bad times and good times.
Praise the lord for his glorious work and faith!
hey babe
Sorry didnt see this comment..Indeed the Holy Spirit is at work amongst us...Let's continue to pray for one another to draw closer to the Lord!
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