22nd June 2007 Friday
marked my last day...with Credit Suisse.
only a short total of 14 mths and 7 days here....
Looking forward to a new start. But nevertheless looking back at the fond memories with my dear frens here with longing....Enuf to drop a tear or 2 on Friday.....
Still remember my 1st day in Credit Suisse.
My maiden sniff of the air in the office of an investment bank at One Raffles Link, fresh from audit, wandering into the Banking wilderness. Greeted by friendly faces, Brenda, Eddie, Cindy, Gillian, Shub and Alex.
Will never forget the 3rd or 4th day of work, where I tripped and fell down Bus 70! Right in front of ORL. . . Hurt my knee cap pretty badly against the pavement and ended up hobbling around for 2 weeks. Thanks to nice colleagues, who packed food for me, asked me whether I needed help etc etc... ahhh...Those days were pretty fun. Being a newbie is always fun....till the real work sets in! Still remember working till the wee hours...midnite...alone! (as my immediate team was in HK!!) Though the learning process was tough, life was so fun in the beginning with 'THe Originals' around......Wei Mei, Pei Pei, Ann, Nic and Edwin....Will never forget the paper ball fights (esp during month end when every1 was stressed)...how we all supported one another at work..how we all had soo much fun...how we all were never colleagues..but FrIenDs.. =) Really thank God for bringing me buds at both my work places so far... =) (prayerfully it will be the same at JPM! =) )
THings changed drasticlly after the big saga..and subsequently a change in mgmt..
we had a temporary female boss for about 2 months, and then a permanent boss again in Jan 2007......Well......the dynamics of the team changed greatly....no longer fun...but just complaints all day long .... THank God I still had Pei Pei and Wei Mei around!....All our lunch chats surrounded issues faced about our boss.... It was really terrible....I came to the realisation of what a fren told me before 'If you cannot respect your boss, resign!!'
From being such a happy gal at work...I became more withdrawn....Many startedto ask me 'Frances are u alright? We no longer hear ur voice/laughter much at work'..It was then that I realised how unhappy I had become at work...Serious sunday nite blues...n everyday blues at work........But well..its all over.. =)
Nevertheless, I still thank God for bringing me into CS, without which I wouldnt have known the many true frens I know...
Presenting 'THe Originals ' in the very beginning.....
(they represent my best times in CS)

N some farewell pics on Friday itself
THanks guys for the big big card...lovely notes...cook books (yes I will use them!) and the vouchers!! =)
My Team
THe London cash Guys
My desk!
Only the kangoo and piggy are mine.
THey have been playing with the rest of their frens for the past year...
But I brought them home on Friday...
I think they are gonna miss their frens in our CS farm!
as much as their owner misses her frens...

Cheers...to the end of a good race in CS. I would have loved to go on...but sometimes, when things doesnt seem to be going right, a change in route might be better......
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