Continued.. "The Lord works in ways we cannot fathom"
Yes..Just slept for about 4 hours...N cant wait to tell u guys what happened yesterday after I tendered my resignation. This is a continuation from the previous blog entry...
Anyways after I tendered at about 4.45-5 yesterday..I felt so relieved. Truely like a boulder rolled off my heart...A weight lifted off my shoulders. A burden lifted off my chest. How else to describe it? I felt weightless...
So after work at about 7 I left my meet the ESSR for dinner at Waraku Jap restaurant at MS (if u have been reading my blog u would have realised Im at Waraku almost every other week. i love the restaurant for its privacy and great foodie and service!).
On a side note..actually as I was walking out of the office, nostalgia filled me..Scenes of my colleagues and I laughing away at a corner in the "cave" (it's this walk in area in my office where I usually sit, like a walk in wardrobe haha), having fun at training, having lunches at the pantry, going out as a whole big group for lunches at amoy, at cafes near amoy, at NOble House, and running ard Shenton Way in our high heels and power suits during my First week at Deloitte during the orientation prog.. etc.. I felt so upset, depressed, sad suddenly. Suddenly, all the stress and bad memories left me, and sweet memories filled me. But this sadness is a 'happy' sadness. Not the stress and overloading work kind of sadness.
Well anyways, yes, on my journey out of the office to Marina Square, I was reminiscing the good ol memories. But the past is the past.
" Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Not it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland" Isaish 43:18
Well, anyways MIss Yilin San called me when I was on the bus to MS. N she spoke in proper light British accented English "Where are you now? ........Can I bring a friend?"
Me: Ok just bring. Who is it? Is it K******?
Yilin: No it isn't.
Me: Ok......then who??
Yilin: Can I meet you first before we go into the restaurant? Call me when you are here.
Me: har what what who who? *Blur*
Yilin: It's as shocking to me as it is to you.
Me: ...................
Anywyas, the whole time, I just felt very felt weird..Yilin...speaking so formally? hmmAnyways I dunno why my heart was like pumping harder than usual as I wondered who's that?
SO well i reached the restaurant b4 I went in first and Yizhen Na and Asta were already there and I told them this weird conversation I had with Yilin and also told them abt the tendering process and how unhappy i was at work blah blah..
So well..anyways, guess who walked in? Auntie Sally, her sister Auntie Jennifer and Auntie Jennifer's son, Keith aka Christian from my church. we were ALL STUNNED!!!!!! What's AUntie Sally doing here?? She wanna eat dinner with us?......hmmm......I was totally shocked. Asta was shocked. Na was shocked Yizhen was shocked..All SPEECHLESS...............
And once she came in she was like "Frances I was just thinking and talking abt u. Really I was just thinking abt u...." and she just kept repeating this and my heart just kept beating faster and faster...I looked at yilin..she gave me a weird look..
*WHAT'S GOING ON???*..........
N finally, after I got a hold on myself,
AUntie Sally spoke "I heard you have been very unhappy at your job"
Another SHOCK..1000000 tots were racing thru my mind. How did she know? Why? Who told her? etc etc. I mean..I see Auntie Sally in church and once in a while we say hi and talk a little. But I have never told her abt my unhappiness at my workplace and all. I had the answer to my questions: God brought this to her ears.
AUntie Sally: "I have a job proposition for u"
This time, I practically fainted. what? a jOB?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Rite 2 hours after I tendered?
I aint great at my english..I dunno how i can put my feelings across here. But I was just very high very very high (as what leb would say 'Head voice" =p)...high on how the Lord is reassuring me again and again. He will provide. Why worry?
Anyways, she and aunt jen and keith went on about what Aunt Jen has for me. TO join them in a team to build up the spa business (Aunt Jen is the boss). Their spa was just in Marina Square!
So how yilin met em was..
Yilin was walking ard looking for her coffee table..and went to Barang Barnag this furniture this more secluded area of MS...N just as she was walking out..she saw the 3 familiar faces sitting in this spa shortfront. N they invited her for tea and all...n told her all abt this recruiting of young dynamic peopl thing to build up the spa business (they had many business opporutnities knocking on their down. But No manpower to deal with it. What a pity.)...N when yilin had to leave to meet us and aunt sally found out that she was meeting me. Aunt sally was like..WOW I was just mentioning abt Frances to Auntie Jennifer!! N ta da..they came and we met......
N the weirdest thing was, I've been asking my frens and all about visiting a spa for the past 2 weeks. I keep having this desire to want to go to a SPA!! SO when i heard this job opportunity was in the Spa business....I felt a little shock..EH........
Amazing isnt it?..coincidences? I dun think so..Too many to be true..the timing was too perfect.
Only the Lord can be the only one behind all these.......
Anyways, the 3 of them left us after speaking so much to us abt the business (i could feel their passion seeping thru their skin and glowing thru their faces). e opportunities in the industry all felt sooo exciting, dynamic! And Yilin was also pondering abt quitting. Perfect Timing. Wow. Possibly being able to work together with my buddy. Wow. God sent.
So after dinner, Keith invited us to the spa after our dinner (He's only 22 but he's inheriting the business and I tell u..the way he speaks and manages and talks...impressed me to the max).
Keith brought us for a tour round his spa! Wow! cooooool!!!!! N they also have this 'tea spa' where they serve EXOTIC tea. Clement, part of their team in the business, was there introducing to us the different types of tea and their effects. He travels round to world, to literally pick the best tea for their tea spa! WOW! N bestest thing was they serve yummy fantatiscalious desserts.....We had choc mousse (best I've ever tasted), baked and chilled chessecakes and tiramisu. *Im a freaking dessert fan. So i was high again. On desserts haha*
So sums up my super 'miraculous' nite.....
Until now, I can't thank the Lord enough for His promises and assurances.
Taking that step of faith to tender was tough. Sacrifice is always aint' an easy thing. If it is, it is not a sacrifice! Having never an easy thing. But when u walk by fiath with the Lord as the centre of your focus, miracles follow. If u are very sure u r hearing from the Lord, just listen and follow.
"But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you. There fore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about iteself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Matthew 7:33-34
Just some pics from diya's cam!!!
At Waraku!! In our room next to this room filled with very ACTIVE kids! haha
EH come on we are ESSR leh! What's a gathering without kids man!

Copyrights: Lydia Tan. (sorry ah i borrow hahah!!)
Top left corner: Yilin and I still what happened....

Savouring the desserts and sipping exotic tea...
hey babe, im sure you've made the right choice! have faith in your decision and im sure everything will just turn out fine!:)
Yeah...thanks a lot babe for all that support...will miss working with u definitely... Sob
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