Dearie all......
I have sooo much to blog abt!!!!!!!!!! but no time!! but today..the highlight would apartment!

The Building

yes and its called....the READING PLACE
(Pronouced as RAA- Ding..not Ree-Ding hee hee)
well...its a teeennnyy weeennnyyy one...but....i really thank God for the whole process...!! He has really blessed me with this apartment..but guys..very sorry..its a bird cage!!
Only have a single bed....but of cos u guys can bunk! but maybe only 1 or 2 at a time! hahaha..just look at the pics and video,,,..n u guys can decide ok?? =))) but would love to have all of u over of cos.....!! sleep at balconY? kitchen? hee heeee
N itss really amazing the whole storey of this flat!! a miracle!
I started looking for an apartment since my first week in HK...n the very 2nd apartment I saw (yup 'The Reading Place' - ), i sorta fell in love with it..mainly cos
-its new (buildling is only 2 years old!!! n tts rare in HK!)
- has a pool and a gym
- flat was on the 21st floor! n can see a bit of Victoria Harbour!!!
- 25 mins walk to work or 10 mins by bus
- there's a pizza hut downstairs
- there's a macs diagonally across the road
- there are 2 supermarkets 3 mins away
- there's a HSBC ATM bank 3 mins away
- there's a laundry shop 3 mins away
- n its just NICEEEEE!!
BUt..the asking price was 10.5k HKD per month!!!!!! (divide by 5.1 to get the SGD amount)..Agent tried asking for 9kHKD..but failed..I was disappointed..I knw its gonna be hard for budget was only MAX 1.7k SGD!!!
So well..i kept on looking and looking. I saw about 10 the first week I was here..then back to Sg for th wekeend for Joan's wedding...n the 2nd week I was here..saw another 10 more? N 2 days back...finally saw another one I quite like.
This one is at Sheung Wan..also very near work..abt 20 mins by foot! N ask price was 9k HKD! A bit more affordable..not in as 'Atas' an area as The Reading Place..Building was very old..but the flat was renovated..white base..quite nice..much better than all the other crap i saw (other than Reading of cos)....So the agent called me yest and told me if i wnated this flat, i will need to sign the contract this morning as someone else is taking the flat in the afternoon if I do not sign!!! The agent tried negotiating the price for me...but to no avail..they refused to cut the rent..only said will buy new tv for me etc I told the agent last nite..alright I will look at it one more time this morning....and decide....N I prayed really hard last nite...didnt know if I shld take it or not (well..felt a bit uncomfortable there s this red 'pin an' sticker at the entrance (the 'pai pai' kind)....)..n guess what! Last nite, I actually had a dream...that a fren was telling me not to take this flat cause it is haunted or something!!! Was more like a nitemare!!! So this morning..I woke up feeling a bit heavy laden...I knew I had to make the decision by nooon...N i really felt like just taking it cause apartment search is tiring....was very lazy.....But yet...something seem to be tugging at me not to take that flat (but then i had no other choices!!!)
So well..the agent called again this morning..confirming the meeting time at the Sheung Wan flat..n...she suddenly told me
" Hey you remember Reading place? The one you saw 2-3 weeks back?..The landlord is willing to let it out for 8.8k HKD"
I was sooo shocked!!
'Har? 8.8k? but the landlord didnt even want to let it out for 9k the other time !!! '
'Yeah..but he decided to give in.....'
WOW.. was I SURPRISED! Extremely shocked! Its really a good deal in the rental markets in HK now...especially at the 'Atahs' area the Reading Place is at..n considering the newness of the building...2 years OLD!!!!
So well..I went to see the Sheung Wan one..just one more time..and then Reading Place at lunch...just to compare one last time and decide....
After looking at both..i kept wondering to myself 'How on earth did I fal for the Sheung Wan one in the first place?, Reading is so much nicerrrr!!!'..........
Yes....God really worked in His ways and His perfect timing....He is really taking care of me from above... =)
from 10.5k to 8.8k! Tts quite a feat! N its is a very nice area......very convenient n most impt of all..VERY SAFE!! The security is extremely tight!!!
N has pool and gym!! WOAH! (i've always wanted to live in a condo again!! ;P)
Praise God..Thanks peeps and mum and dad and sistas for all ur prayers.....I feel at peace now.... =)
ok 1.02am..need to sleep..but just post some pics for u guys to see look!
Taken on my last day at the pretty svc apartment!

HK iS FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!


Taking a ferry to Kowlllooooon for some

'Xiu Jie...Tao Can A!'

N my 'Flat finding Success Dinner' just now!
A nice 'home-cooked' meal just in a lil restaurant
near my new home!!
(does not taste like its made up of mSG for once)

N now.... THE VIDEO
Please do not be shocked at the size!!!
U can decide whether u guys wanna bunk in now!! heee
Its very small!!!! But very cosy!!!! I can sleep on sofa! Or the balcony! Whee! Frances I miss you so much!
wah seh, small~! but looks cozy! they really making use of space...
ma2 que3 sui1 xiao3, wu3 zang4 ju4 quan2~!
Hello!!! Frances, it's my "shaking leg" days in QBE...So I spend time reading all your previous articles till the one we cooked in your SG house. So well, you got time to show off your culinary skills in HK. hehee...I know I'm bad not calling :P ...but will talk to you soon.
And...HK apartment is really tiny & expensive. BUT WHAT MATTER MOST IS YOUR LIKE IT....*going back to work liao"...
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