ahem ahem.......
Oh no...my throat is feeling a little itchy bitsy now...must be all that foodie I had at Zone 3's BBQ last nite! But anyhows, it was a great bbq! Thanks to vynnie and gail for organising and getting the outing going.....
A gathering with Zone 3 pple really feels different. The main topic yesterday..i think, revolved round careers. It really wasn't intentional for such a topic to surface but it just did. I was surprised that it really feels different with just Zone 3 pple being at a gathering. Guess it just shows that there is truly really a need for Zone 3 to start...For the growth and support of young working adults.. in this harsh working world..being caught up in the rat race.. =(
Anyways, on a lighter note, we had many good food! Vynnie's fantastilicious hotdogs....Elynn's delicious satays and yakitoris, Jason's superly well marinated chicken wings and my...GARLIC PIE!! haa
my Garlic Pie was just a stack of garlic bread lah...but wrapped up in foil it looked like some pie..haa.fooled some pple...hee..

Me and my Burnt Garlic PIE! hahaa


"Bestest Waitress" award goes to.....

Poor diya who felt a little lost amidst the "career" talk for a while...going going...


Me, vynnie, Gail, Elynn and Shufen!!

Me and Vynnieee!!

all of us...ZONE 3..........

Earlier in the day....met Lynnie =)

Earlier earlier in the day...had an all WOMEN's (not girls..haa) outg

At the Dim Sum place
We are tais tais in the making.. after dim sum, juan and asta went to do their hair and yilin and i went shopping! bought a bikini!

And just some pics from 1-2 weeks ago!
Lydia WON the singing competition at HARKS!
I'm so proud of her always!! Always the bEstest!!!! Wo men Yong Yuan Zhi Chi Ni!

A Star...in a Star...

REPORTER! Told you

Eunice and her happening hair..

Me May Mich

Alrighty...start of a brand brand brand new week for everyone...GAMBATTE!
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