another week has flown past...
woah...within the blink of an eye, a week has flown past again!!
Dunno why, it seems that in this new job, time seems to pass really really really quick....
Guess it's cos I totally have NO time to slack at all in between work the whole's FULL concentration from 8.30am till noon, catch a quickie lunchie and back to FULL concentration again till about 7 plus. Then wrap up the day's work a bit and get off work at 8 plus, 9 or even 10 sometimes....Cant catch my breathe sometimes. I don't even have time to read thru personal emails when Im at work, (unlike in DT last time heh heh). Whenever I see a mail from a fren, i just chuck everything into my folder called 'SMILE' for personal emails and read and reply them at the end of the day!!
Well, guess it's cos im pretty much still in the learning stages now...So need to spend a tad more time trying to understand things to get work done. Next week will be another stressful week, cos the guy whom I'm taking over all work responsibility from has officially left the firm today. Which means, I will have no one to turn to next week if I have things that I do not know how to do. But really Praise God, this guy has been really patient and I have learnt a lot from him. But the good news is, I think I'm enjoying what Im doing right now. At least much happier than before =) Ooooooh I may get a break this week on Wednesday from work, cos it's HK's Duan Wu Jie holiday and Im taking care of the HK books, so off for me too!!! (if nothign goes wrong)..N am so looking forward to meeting my dearies on Monday!! =)
Oooh...and the guy who left was very nice to buy my team a cake...from CONRAD!!!
It's so preeeety....and needless to say....totally out of the world...had an adrenalin rush when the smooothy thick chocolate slithered down my throat as I slowly savored the delicately baked creation....ooh... Had to share the picture with u guys!! Soot if u r reading this..u gotta bake this one day!! heee

alright ENUFF ABOUT WORK!! IT's the WEEEEEEKEND!! N...START OF GSS!! (Only shopaholics and associates will know what it means) officially starts TODAY!! Gonna record down whatever I bot and will be buying at this GSS 2006 for the fun of it! *though it seems a little bimbotic' haha...And here are my buys for today!
1- A Mango bag
2- A Mango "Massimo Dutti" look a like top
3- 2 Mphosis tops, 1black 1 white
4- a Skin Food mask-White Chocolate in flavor, supposedly good for firming the facial skin, hope it really helps haa
5-a Skin Food nail polish...bright RED in color!!!!Not sure if I will dare to wear it though! haa
and all the above for a 100 bucks!! What a steal!!! hee hee
Here's a peeek at my buys!!!

And here's another of my recent buys!
I love the buttons!!!hmmm..looks like Im still very much into greeen!!
My whole room is painted green...think it's such a soothing color!

Oh..and some updates of happenings last weekend, yes,...RAine and Ronald are finally MARRIED!!!!!! Raine looked sooooooo sweet on her wedding day!!! When they were syaing their vows, I nearly teared. N this is a union made in the presence of the Lord, which makes it all so complete and happie for u RAine!!!!!! Here are some peeks at the simple classy all so sweet wedding....
The Rings, Symbol of Continual Love...

Trying hard to "pose'" for a supposedly candid shot

The lovely bride sweeeeeet!

Room 216 ...where the strong sisters' bonding formed...=)

Cutie pies...The flower girls and pageboy

Marching In!!

Signing their lives to each other..=)

Ronald couldn't wait to kiss Raine!!!!

Mrs Low.. and maids-in-the-waiting

Haha...Ronald and the girlSSSS

Catch the bouquet!!!
(p.s It didnt land in my hands!!!)

Yummy!! I miss e durian puff!!!

This candid shot expresses our feelings on that day perfectly....

Indescribable joy
Just a Vain Pot Maggie..haaa

The next wedding will be Jasmin's wedding..and I'm so looking forward to it...I love attending weddings of my closest frens....Always so touching and sweet!!
**Stares into the Sky** **When will my turn come?** Only the Lord knows.. =)
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