Today is mummy's birthday!!! Happy blessed birthday Mum!! love yoU! tonnes!!!My mama is a super mummy! Always putting everyone else first before her. All the sacrifices she has made...and overflowing love she has poured on us...."tien xia zhi you mama hao". Simple sweet song but its so true! =)
The birthday celebration started last Sunday..heh..went to Waraku for an early birthday dinner. Sophia came along too cos her birthday is one day after my mum's! N today, celebrated the big day for my Mummy by going for a simple 'Fish steamboat' dinner followed by durians at home and cake cutting with beloved Aunt Linda n Vera! It has always been a tradition in my family that everyone of us MUST MUST MUST have a cake cutting 'ceremony' on our birthdays. Hee. So i grew up thinking that this is what everyone does. But realised many of my frens dun really have such a habit at home. So well, my mummy got a superly delicious cake from Sweet Secrets!! It's called Chocolate Royale! It's really.....beyond description. Thick yummy throat-a-licious choc..but yet not too heavy and not too sweet...with a light crisp layer of biscotti to top it off.. Made the discovery on Kelly's birthday dinner on Wednesday. Eunice got that cake. Thanks Eunice, realised I always discover great chocolate cakes thru u!! hahaa..Rive Gaunche (our 21st bdae cakes)
Anyways, this week is a birthday weeeek!!! wheee....Think I had quite some birthday celebration, first kelly's, then my colleague's and then my mama and sophia's birthday tom! N my grandmama, nai nai's birthday celebration is at my house on sunday! Gonna have a mega party for her this year. Think she invited about 40 plus pple for her birthday bash! Really excited abt it!!!!! She hasn't had such a mega celebration for a long time. Usually it's just dinner with my aunties and uncles and cuzzies. My Aunt ordered a huge birthday cake for her toO! Really pray nai nai will enjoy herself with her frens... =)
As usual...some pics in chronological order! Well...those who know me will know i bring my camera almost everywhere i gO! hahaa
At Waraku last sunday - Early Bdae Celebration for Mum and Soph, my tenant!
Piggying out

Soph has an album!!!! Cool! Shes an awesome classical pianist with a degree in music!!! Gonna graduate in a month's or 2 and tt album is part of her last projects!

Kelly's Birthday Dinner!
At Spizzico at UE Square. Great pasta! Perfect Ambience! Sweet Company!

OOhhh...just litttle worthy story to share....
The one in white and in specs are Noeline and Eunice respectively (in pic below), both my precious sec sch buddies. Really miss those days..."Pyramid Game" after sch!! hahaa
N the birthday gal, Kelly(holding the cake below), knew her since PRIMARY 1!! She was my best fren in lower pri..was in the same class as her all the way from Pri 1 to 6...but we kinda drifted apart from Pri 4, cos we fell out after a 'feeding goldfish incident' Haaaaaa!!! Thinking back it's really hilarious!!
but well, we went on to the same sec sch, Cedar Girls and she got into the same lower sec class as Noeline and Eunice and they became superly great frens! N then, I got into the same Upper sec class as Noeline n became good frens....Thus, thru Noeline, I got to know Eunice and got 'reunited' with Kelly all over again!!!!!!!!! Good frens never part..heh

Tada....Me on the left and Kelly on the right...
Our younger daze

And here!..My Mama's birthday cake cutting ceremony!!
Pray my mum will look so smiley and remain joyful in the Lord always...
Doesn't she look blissful?

Well and on a heavier note, this week was work work work work work! Well kinda expected...first 3 months at work = Steep learning curve. N I'm feeling it. Getting constant hits of 'memory recapping' aka pre exam jitters. This whole week, ever nite felt like the nite before an exam paper, where u constantly try to recall and recap ALL that you have read and learnt during the preparation- for- exams- period. I haven had such jitters for a long long time. Every nite on bed, I will start thinkng about what i've learnt and all during the day at work. But well, pray things will get better as the days pass on and I get a better understanding of how all the diff systems link up and all. But really Praise God for a good working environment! Have helpful colleagues and bosses! =)
Tom gonna meet ESSR for our launch of "It's Fishing Time" in Solid Rock on Sunday!! yippeee!!
Good nite!
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