Little Brown Bear
Have u ever read the book "Little Brown Bear" by Enid Blyton? Well, not that I'm suddenly reminiscing about my childhood days engaging in one after another Enid Blyton books...but i just feel like BROWNIE!!! N if i didn't rem wrondly, the name of the bear is Brownie or something haa....anywyas YES I FEEL LIKE A BROWNIE!!!
Had a blasting mass brownie baking session at Soots place yesterday (baked from afternoon till about 1plus am?) and today after church (from after lunch till about 9 pm)...yooohooo...finally....our total orders of 180 boxes of brownies...have been fufilled!!! The only thing's left now is to make the last batch of delivery tom to my colleagues and frens!! =)
so happpiiieeee!! The brownies turned out great and we received many many praises for them...All thanks to CHEF SooT! I have faith that she will one day become a premium chef one day worldwide!! The Lord has blessed her with such culinary talents!! **muahaha I'm so blessed to have a fren like her!! always having great desserts to eat...that cannot be found anywhere else!
Anywyas, the fund raising was a gREEaaaaaaatttt success!!
THANK YOU TO ALL WHO SUPPORTED THE FUND RAISING in one way or another! I really appreciate it and I'm sure the kids in Nepal will be greatly blessed by all the funds and love offerings...Also thanks to Pin Xin, Auntie Maryann, Clarisse, Yew Hong, Su Ling (soot's "bOssy" sister haha she's gonna kill me), and Elma for helping soot and I with all that baking!! It was crazy!! I've never seen so much chocolate, eggs, flour, vanilla essence etc etc all at the same time in a house! hahaaa........
Let me try to photo blog the process....
A mountain of CHOCOLATES!

Part of our 'raw materials'!

Before we started baking...still fresh and nice smelling

Melting the chocochies!

Look at all that eggs!! We used up 150 eggs in all!!!

AUnt MAryann came to help too on sunday!!!

In goes the brownie into the OveN!!!

Fresh yummy brownie from the oven!

Elma(soot's helper) helped us a lot! Thanks!!

Our little helper, Clarisse. SHe's so cute!!
watched her grow up since she was 2!

Look at all that brownies!

Cutting up and packaging the brownies!

Me and my best buddy!!!

Table full of brownies!! We rewarded ourselves with
brownie + Haagen Dazs Ice cream!

Putting on the labels - Blessings!!!

Tada!!!!!!! Our final product..made with LOVE

our 3rd and last batch of brownies!!

Poor Beamer..He was neglected for 2 days cos
we were too busy baking!

Gracias everyone once again for a very very successful find raising event! It was a fantastic experience....However, the work has not even begun..Please pray and uphold the 8 of us who will be going for the mission trip! We will be at Nepal - Kathmandu from 5th to 13th April 2006.
May the Lord lead and guide us as we carry out our preparations this week...
We do not know what to expect there really..So we are all going just by pure simple FAITH. Support us in Prayers =) Thank yoU! =)
P.S: Any comments about the brownies?? yummy enough? =P
how i wish i can be there...too bad u guy are baking till 8 plus.sigz this job never allows me to participate in anything....pls pray for me to have a more regular job and at the same time able to teach...the brownies looks great from texture...soot is really great!!!think the lord will bless with even more after her FRench studies in culinary
yes!!!!!! your brownies are very yummy! i stole one more from sharon to eat! wahah
HEY guys!
heee..thanks for your support wenny for the brownies!! heee
miss piggying out with u guys sigh...
raine nm next time we can bake togehter again!!!
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