arrrgghh...just created a brand new post with many pictures and after I typed in the last word..My browser shut down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sigh...........................................................
I was blogging abt my blues today...and the above added on more to my blues........ =(
Nm its ok...This is just a small little setback..I can easily re typed everything again!
Anyways, had a not too good weekend...So was pretty down when I came to work today...
Bad Monday Blues..
But Praise God for fun colleagues! They brightened up my day a little! Looked at some pictures of my colleague's holiday at Dubai and Egypt! Coooooool!!! That will definitely be on my 'List of Holiday Destination' in the near future!
N I went somewhere before lunch today! guess where?
One of the Lift Lobbies

The Toilet

Managed to guess yet?

Yes I went to the Brand New National Library at 100 Victoria Street!

Finally I stepped foot into the brand new National Library!! It was huge! Total of 13 stories altogether! However, the books on loan are ALL only situated at Basement 1 !!! The other stories house a drama centre, reference books (CANNOT be borrowed), cafes, photocopying services etc etc.
Set in the lush greenaries of the city...

Anyways, sad to say..I didn't manage to borrow anything! Was actually there to borrow finance related books for my intw but I did not see any 'proper' finance books at all! They had all the 'How to get Rich', 'How to keep your money from your wife' (DUhh....), 'Getting rich in the fastest way' kind of finance books...Totally not what I needed..I needed some solid technical finance books on equities such as valuing equities etc etc. Totally NONE!...
That was at Basement 1, the Central Lending Library. So well, I thought maybe I should visit the 8th storey, which stores all the 'Art and Business ' related reference books (cannot be borrowed)...and
TADA! I found the type of books i needed!

But...really, I do not have the time to sit in the library for an entire day to read these books...
Sigh...N i had to rush back to my client's place...
Why does the National Library not loan out these booksssss...........Sigh....The govt is building up Singapore as the next happening finance hub! These books should be on loan!
So well, I decided to go back home to study my Uni finance books ...Not sure if they are sufficient for the interview though....
* *
well, that sums up my first trip to the National Library...without any shou huo..Boo hoo..But well, it was fun! The place is huge!! But sadly, the old English taste in the old red bricked National Library is really history. This new building is a typical new millenium building. Hi tech!!! Check out the 24hr book electronic drop!!! It practically EATS up your book when u drop it in! N the word "RETURNED" pops up...Cool har...or Am i Sua Gu??

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