Photo Bloggin!
YAY!! Finally the photo uploading is working again!!
Just wanna share some pics with u colleagues.....
Trying to spend as much time as i can with them!!! only 7 more days left with them!!
Just a little tribute to my colleagues...
Here my lovely Ichiban

2 weeks plus ago, ate at Ichiban Boshi with my dearest A11s. That was the day that I announced my resignation to them. Well, think they already expected it, given all the symptons they saw. Like phone ringing, followed by my answering in a superly profession tone 'Yes Speaking', then running out of our room. Ha ha...N me dropping hints here and there that I've been really unhappy and all. All well too clear! Good that they already expected it. I can only keep my fingers crossed and pray that not too many responsibilities will be piled on them. I will miss you guys.

Strutting down Orchard road mid noon on a weekday with them ..something i will miss...all that shopping after lunch..
Tea break at Spinellis!

this was the day where the job offers came streaming in.....I wasn't really working the whole day!!..
Cos was really confused as to which one to take...
Ended up having long tea break at

I will miss ol chang kee tea break too...with them
Some shots in dow office

Guishanny n me....

Nelly's eyes are open!!! Seldom see that in her photos =P

The JAPAN team!! Where's Poh Hee Hee

Crazy Wenny!
Check this pic out..i love nose bridge looks so sharp....for once
Shots in Deloitte office

Gerry and assistant managers..
AT SENTOSA-JAzz by the BeaCH!

Having Dinner at Sakae!

See the 2 pple behind?
Our 'new found' frens haha

N here's Lois!!! SO CUTE!! I miss him!

N here..the FULL FORCE Japan Team!!

Poh hee hee is pregnant!

Home sweet home...I love u guys...will miss u all to bits
The Passover Feast

Weird picture..My frens from different 'origins' haha.
Aunt Maryann is my fellow church sister (know her for 10 years ready!)
Sooting is my JC buddy
May is my uni-deloitte buddy!
We are all sisters in Christ!

Sitting ard the Passover table. The bread, wine and bitter herb.

We really had a feast! The food was fantastic
Wenny's Farewell yesterday....sob sob

We had a farewell lunch for Wenny at Secret Receipe..she;s really gone
hey gal...that poh hee not bad any sparks...i notice u guyz are always quite close to each other in photos...any chance..
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