I miss all of you..every single one of you......though I was only gone for 9 days, it seemed longer.
Well the trip to Nepal was indeed a really fruitful one Praise God! Many stories heard, many stories shared, many testimonies to be shared, some work was done....but more work to be done......
A group of 8 of us, all from Tung Ling Bible School (graduated 31st March 2006) EXCEPT myself (in the future in the LOrd's timing yes I will join tung ling!!), visited a children's home, Peace Loving Children's Home in Kathmandu, capital of Nepal. Well, it was not quite an all children's home cos the ages of the 25 boys were ranging from about 4 to 17 years old. About 16 of the boys were more than 12 years old. They are all either orphans or kids of prisoners/ex-prisoners.
This home was started by Dinesh (a lawyer by profession) assisted by his wife Kalpana (a teacher by profession). Yes. Dinesh and his wife gave up their careers just to start this home, for the children. They themselves have 4 children, 3 boys and a daughter which they adopted 5 years ago. But about13 years ago, at the Lord's calling, Dinesh decided that it was time to give up his career as a lawyer which can possibly give him much more financial wealth than opening up a children's home for prisoners' children, and started this home. Truly, a man of God.
Before I went, many pple asked me.. "What can u do there, in 9 days?"
At that time, my answer to them was, "well, Im really not sure, I guess it's just to sow a seed in the lives of the children there".
But now that I'm back, I guess my answer will now be "Not only do I want to sow a seed in the lives of the children there. I feel that this trip is really just the beginning of how God can use me to help the children in this home and maybe in the future, people in other parts of Nepal".
I have so many things to share about the trip. It was truly an eye opening experience. I thank God for the opportunity that He has given me to see all that I've seen in the 9 days we were there.
Hearing gunshots almost every other day, having to adhere to curfews, seeing soldiers walking ard pointing guns everywhere on the roads, etc..are things which I have never ever experienced before and probably never will in our peaceful environment in Singapore.
Yet, in such a situation, the 25 children in the home can still have big dreams. There was a session where we asked the kids what were their ambitions. Many of them said doctors, pilots, engineers, lawyers etc. Wow, I was amazed.
I really admire them, simply for their simple faith.
During our praise and worship sessions, the presence of God was amongst us ever so strongly. Most of the kids were worshipping with their hearts, with their hands lifted high up and praising and worshipping the Lord at the top of their voices.
Many of them believe strongly in prayer too.
There was this little boy, named Prem, about 7 year old, who fell and hurt his lower arm one day. I didn't know his arm was hurting, until I realised that he was having difficulty coloring. (He usually colors happily but that day, he was moving his hand so slowly). I went up to him and asked him what happened. Then, he started tearing! I was so shocked. Then, I realised that his arm was swollened! Ouch. It looks so painful. I was so afraid he may have broken a bone or something. I quickly took him to look for Dinesh and he simply applied salt water on the swell after checking on it. He said as Prem could still move his hand, it should be alright. Tts all he did, applying salt water. (In Singapore, I guess parents will be fussing around and screaming at the swell and applying all sorts of medication, or for the more protective ones, straight to the doctor's). I also prayed for Prem and later asked the children in his class (we divided the kids into 2 classes for lessons, below 12 and above 12) to pray for him. He rested and did not really join the class in finishing the coloring since his arm was hurting. About 2 hours later, Prem came back to me, and in his accented English, he asked 'Can pray again?' At that moment, I was so touched, that truly he has the faith that the Lord is his healer.
I was also amazed at the unity of the boys in the home. You would expect to see fights, quarrels, tensions in a home of 25 BOYS where most are in their teenage years. But no, not once did I see any of these happening. Instead, what I saw was LOVE and UNITY amongst them!
On our 2nd day at the home, we were playing an ice breaker game when one of the boys, Bikram, hit his leg against the chair and was door on the floor. His expression on the face looked painful. He tried to stand but just couldn't..I was shocked..Immediately, all the bigger boys around him pulled him up and helped him to stand by on his feet...Encouraging him to stand up strong.
There was this other time where a beggar was at the gate of the children home, begging for food. This little boy, Binaya, 4 years old went to open the gate to peep at the beggar, however, sensing danger, this other boy, Anil, about 6 years old, quickly pulled the boy back into the safety of the home and shut the gate...
Well, the above are just some of the many stories I wanna share with all of you...
Thanks to Xavier and Lester (the cameramen of the trip), we are gonna put together a video of our trip there and of cos photo presentation. Will share with u guys when they are completed.
Here are some photos to share with u guys first.. =)
The 8 of us, an awesome team...
Thank God for the UNITY that
saw us thru.. =) love u guys!

The first smell of the air in Nepal after
a 7 hour journey

Beautiful Nepal, surrounded by Mountains -

We had 31 luggages/boxes in all!
22 were to bless the children home!

After droppin our luggages off, zoomed straight to
Peace Loving Children Home! They welcomed
us with bouquets FLOWERS! so sweet!! Tts Benjamin,
Dinesh's son, who gave me the flowers

The lady in red is Kalpana!!
She was really hospitable to us!
After the trip, I kinda understood more
about what how much it takes to be the
wife of a man of God. She must be truly a
strong WOMAN of God!!
May the Lord prepare me..

Almost everyday, we walk to the home, about 20 mins,
from our hotel. Due to the politcal unrest, many times,
vehicles were not allowed on the streets.
The streets of Nepal

See the girl in red next to Aunt Viona?
She's the only teenage girl in the home, Laxmi,
helping out in Dinesh's family.

OK..i need to run the toilet again!... havent feel well since coming back..had hi fever and serious diarrhoea...yesterday was really bad couldn't get out of bed..At least I can sit and type today! Praise God!...I will post more photos and stories soon if i can!
Love u all
Give thanks always...
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