Praise God for my friends...and family in Christ!!!
I really feel very blessed that I have so many awesome people around me....
Looking back, all my life, the Lord has places great frens around me. Frens which I can laugh and cry with, Frens I can count on in times of trouble, Frens I can have so much fun with, Frens that add so much joy to my life!!! =)
*I love blogging at late nites...all the emotions come*...hahahaa
We celebrated yiZZhhhhhen's birthday on SUnday!!!!! Blesssed birthday YiZHEN!! Continue to stay HIGH..High in the Lord!! hahaha...and of cos....high with us!! "ou duan si lian' haha........
N peeps, thank you sooo much once again.....for CREAMING me again!!!!!!!
2nd time u guys are 'creaming' me n both times arent my birthday lorrrrr..........................Xiao di and na na and diya har.......the 'Zhu3 Mou1' out har........*evil grin*
here..some pics of my last day at deloitte..I will need time to get over the sadness of leaving my colleagues..... =(
My employee pass...Returned...
WIll never see it again

At the recep desk where all that 'paging'

At Deloitte Main Lobby..Our new Logo!
With the new green dot!

Taken at the Deloitte internal stairs aka
*DT Gym*!
Always running up and down..
between 29th to 32nd floors

I love this pic! so candid! I'm like a ghost..

In the Cave! With my mentor group...
Kitty gathered every1 to take this pic
so she could develop the photo n put it
in this little pillow frame as part of my surprise!

And here's my surprise! from 7 of them..
See that picture?...the piggy has their intials
sewn on sweet...I teared =(

Just a little reminiscing..
This was the Dow team...3 years ago...

SObs...cant post any more pictures!! SOmething wrong with Bloggyspot...
N I gotta go continue packing for my Nepal trip!!!! Flying off tom (Wed) early mornin!
Bye everyone...will miss u all.................. Pray that the Lord will use the 8 of us mightily!!!
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