Life after Nepal..
Wow...have been back for a week and 2 days now from Nepal. But it felt like I've been back much longer, guess it's because many things have been going on since coming back from Nepal...Start of my new job etc etc....But amidst the busyness, I still very much think of the boys back in Nepal....
I really miss them..their laughters, chats with them etc etc...Some of them have been emailing us. But they can only access emails about once a week? So will need some time before they can reply our emails...sigh..I really miss them!!!!! Wondering what they do everyday in the home..since they cant really go out now with the curfews and all. The situation seems to have worsened from the news...Pray the Lord's peace and joy will be with them during this tough period.. =(
Below are just some little updates of my life after coming home from Nepal!
Who says Singapore doesn't have seasons?
Spring is in the air!!!!!! Look...the lovely flowers just outside my house!!! This happens only once a year in April! I love FLOWERS! Makes me happy! haa

Rochelle and Cheryl baptised!
My dearest sister (flesh and blood) Rochelle...and my dearest Sister-in-Christ Cheryl were baptised last Easter Sunday! So haapy to see them take this step of FAITH in Christ!! =) Rochelle is the last member in my family to be baptised! Praise the Lord! Pray that His light will continue to shine through my family and that we will bring glory to the Lord always!!
Some pictures! =)
Me and my sis!
Some resemblance there?

N me and cherie!!
Remember ur 'promise' ah

My family! Love this pic!

After Baptism! A new LIFE!

Scruffy won 2nd prize in a photo competition!
My dearest Scruffy is so handsome!!! He won 2nd prize in a doggie photo competition, winning for himself some delicious foodies from US Doggie Bakery. Went to collect the winnings on the way home from east coast after the baptism. There was pizza, CHICKEN RICE, muffins.Woah! He has eaten almost all of them already....He must be wondering why is there such marvelicious food this week!! hahaa..well, his patience (and ours too!!) at the phototaking session paid off!!!!
Everyone was like chasing him all over the studio just to get his photos taken!
Our handsome Mr SCRUFFY!!

Tts my boy....always salivating at food. He's a vacuum cleaner at home, eats anything and everything he sees on the floor


When will I meet my "Princess"?

Scruffy's winnings: the Food hamper!

A close up look at the chicken rice...

In great anticipation...
"Yummy..My first chicken rice set meal"

The Doggie Bakery!!!

Met up with my dearies, Nana, Diya, Yilin, Xiaodi and Leb
They never fail to cheer me up and brighten up my day! I love them!!!! Really thank God for placing them in my life...........We went to some Hongkong cafe opp Great World City for supper!
They serve really nice toasts and desserts......N having them with these pple i love brings much much much much JOY!
Love u guys! muacks!
1 week has my new was fast!
Basically, spent the whole week learning and learning and learning and learning.....Just sat in front of my comp screens and read and read and digest and digest. My colleagues also taught me quite some stuff about the systems and all. Lots to learn, Lots to swallow, but all these are keeping the excitement there!!!!! I love challenges! I love the process of being challenged to think n to be pushed.....Sounds psychotic...hahaa... Pray that the Lord will continue to see me thru my 'journey' in this company as He has seen me thru in Deloitte...
Reminisicing JC times!
Met up with some 98s61 pple today! Really miss the good ol times....
Thinking back, out of all my schooling days...the times in Hwa Chong really bring back the most n the sweetest memories...The orientation days, the mass dances, the days spent at the class benches, the Taiwan Immersion Prog, the days spent hanging out after school, the days spent sleeping in class, the days spent mugging, the days spent at mass functions like MAF, CNY bazaar, the days spent just talking and laughing with one another in the brown school u. I miss HwaChong. I really do. Thanks to 98s61, I really had great great fun in HC! and of cos with 98s62, there are many great memories too..........
I miss hwachong...Its a name that's no longer in existence...its now Chinese High Instituition.but in my heart..Hwachong lives..forever..............................
We had nice delectable desserts at Cedele!
I simply love desssseerrrts!

Sixoneders....8 years of frenship!

Appreciating Singapore....
After coming back from Nepal, I realised how blessed it is to be living in a peaceful country like Singapore, never experiencing curfews/strikes etc. Although many times, complains are shared about how controlled Singapore is, I must say that the government has done a great job in maintaining the peace and in 'growing' the country to where it is today.... Ha..please note that there's no propoganda intended in the above in view of the coming elections...hahaa... It's really how I feel!!
A shot taken at the overhead bridge from citylink to Suntec today!

My good fren bought a car!!!!!!
So proud of my fren! She bought a car...and sat in it for the first time today!!!! She has requested to remain anonymous in this aspect as she doesn't want the whole world to know about it! well, thats just me in the photo! a cute little Kia! Told her she should give it a it's called..."Initial J" hahhaa ! *when will i have a little car of my own?* =)

Alrighty..i better go sleep.....service early tom!!! Good nite!
wah! i just need to say wah! wah! wah! over this post...many things to wah! about!! =P
the flowers v nice!! nx time i'll rem le, april rite...mus go ur place visit u...if not u remind me okie ^^
n scruffy is jus a posterboy lar!! where to find such a doggie!!! how come they nv give him 1st prize!!?!
hey!! hahahaha....surprised to see u here!! cos i seldom check my comments! hahaaa...
yeah!!! i dunno y they never give him first prize sob...but to me he's always FIRST! when r u coming to visit him? haa
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