It's Fishing Time!!!
Had a great deal of fun with my beloveds again in solid rock!.....We got together on Sat to prepare for the launch of the theme for Solid Rock for the year "It's Fishing Time aka To be Fishers Of Man" on Sunday!
Reflecting on being a Fisher of Man for Christ, I think I have been totally...disappointing.....the number of pple that I've shared the gospel with in the past year..can be counted with my 10 fingers? =(
The launch of this theme at SR is a perfect reminder for all of us really. I ought to reflect and make sharing the love of Christ a part of my life...Not just do it once in a while, but really live a live that glorifies HIm and a life that will draw others to Jesus Christ.
Anywyas, the program went on fine! Great Job ESSRs, both old and new flood!! (Though I felt it could have been better if it was not so 'last minute' Agreed? heh) We had a puppet dance to the song of Let our light shine-HIllsongs!! Followed by a skit about how Jesus called Simon and Andrew to follow Him while they were by their boat fishing. I was one of the puppeters (Was Andrew)...and boy, i really think my stamina is bad bad bad!!! felt totally exhausted after the puppet show.....Rite Xiao DI? haha..Really need to train up my biceps more!!! =)
We also had little kits for the kids with 'tools' for them to encourage their frens, like little pass it on cards, prayer list etc!!! There's even a mini fishing rod for them to hang on the names of their frens they are praying for! Pray that the little skit left an impact on the children and all of us will be so excited about fishing !!! =)
HEre's a peeeeek at the practice and the real thing!
Before Prac...FOOD FIRST!! THanks Asta for the Pizzas!

You love me? You love me not?
Xiaodi was the puppeter for Babe(the Chick in the picture below)
and Phobe (the Sheep in this picture)
He's a great puppeter!

WHo's cuter?

Please scrutinise this pic...Leb really looks like a....

The Puppet Stage!! On the left is Simon and on the left is Andrew!

The beautiful DIver

ANd the coooool Moon walker 'Jesus' hee

Behind the scenes......

And...lovely baby CHRISTIAN!!
Cute beyond description

The Agogo Sisters

And little scruffy!
Gerald did a little modication to the pic! Thanks!
N notice the pun!!

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