Wedding after Wedding!
Heylo! Its the weekend again! Well..not quite...Saturday's gone...only Sunday left!
I really treasure my weekends a lot a lot. Only 2 days I cant spend lotsa time catching up with my dearest frens and family too. Have been working hard this week due to month end closing, but good that Im still enjoying my work and am passionate about it! I love my team at work! Praise God that He has placed some other Christian sisters in my team too! =) N my team is really fun as well. Guess it's cos everyone is still pretty new to the firm, brand new team and thus it's really up to us to shape the culture! Gonna make sure we work hard and do our best in everything but play hard at the same time too!! =)
Anyways back to my weekend..Guess where I was on Friday night, yes Elynn and Jackie's wedding!!!!!!!!! really really truly exhilarated to see the 2 of them finally tie the knot! They are both my seniors at Deloitte-Dow previously and both went to New York last year to work. We saw them blossom from frens to great frens to becoming attached and now glued to each other for the rest of their lives! They are back in SIngapore just to get married and share the joy with their dearie frens and relatives and will be flying back again!
The wedding brought back awesome memories...Cos it was like a reunion for the Deloitters..(well many EX deloitters now) hee....N most importantly, I got to see Michie dearie (Mich also went to NY to work last year..)and of cos Elynn and Jackie again! Michie is also my senior at Deloitte-Dow. Seeing them right in front of me again and hearing their voices once again really makes me realise how much I miss them! Michie teared on seeing me once again! So sweeeet...I really really love all of them! I miss having such great fun with them at work last time........SIgh, I think i'm really quite an emotional person...always missing this and that..
Heh..Anywyas, the wedding was so much fun! It was more like a party for everyone! EVeryone was so high and there were crazy games at the wedding too. Jackie had to remove Elynn's gutter from under her wedding dress with his mouth! N everyone was just so rara and high. Jackie's sister and dad were really super high too. N Jackie got really high, n was very much drunk..He was sooo hilarious in his drunkard state! This is the 2nd time I 've seen him really drunk. First time was at the Dec 2004 DnD (N also the nite that Jackie fell in love with ElynN!!!) After the wedding all of us even crashed wedding suite on the 66th floor of swissotel. The view from up there was fantastic. When I was looking down, I kept wondeing how do bungee jumpers get all that courage from to jump. Eeeeks...makes my hair stand. ANywyas, overall, a fantastic enjoyable wedding party!!! =)
I sincerely pray Elynn and Jackie's love will be everlasting and sweet always N will bear fruits that I can play with little jackies and elynns soon!!!!
Just some pics of from the past...
Sending ELynn and Jackie off at the airport last has been a year plus

THe JAPAN team!!! Hurray!

Deloitte D&D Dec 2004...I had so much fun that nite..
N this was the nite Jackie fell in love with Elynn! heh heh

Drunk Jackie!!

The Dow Gals

N now....2 years later...Pics at the wedding!
The Dow Gals again...of ALL generations!
ps: if u realised, I've been wearing the same dress at ALL weddings!! I need more dresssesss!! Help!!

Tts Jean and I and the Bride and Groom!!
Jackie was practically grinning from ear to ear that nite!
Finally managed to 'possess' Sweet Elynn!

Me and my dearie michie!
She was really such a dear senior and fren.....I will miss u again when u fly back to NY on Friday!
I will keep my promise! Will definitely visit u, Lance, Elynn, Jackie, Janet, Law in NY one day!

At our table...Mikoh maymay jeany and PCY!

Jackie's gone...drunk..but still could pose for a pic with us haa

LOvely flowers!!!!!!!

Red Roses!!!! Tts Elynn's hand bouquet!

N this was taken...66 storeys up in the sky!!

Look at that fantastic view...

And today, the Dowers all went to visit Wenny's new house at Redhill today!! She's getting married on 25th September! SO happy that her flat is all ready for the next phase of her life!!! ( now u know why this entry is titled wedding after wedding..I've another 4 weddings to attend this year!!!!)
Here''re some pics of wenny's new place!
We had a pot luck session! When dowers get together, the food comes together...We are forever eating

Red wall...I like it! ( I realised my face is getting rounder..I need to go on a diet!!!!!!!)

We had fun with Pictionary..
THe 'telepathy' between me and Guishan was amazing!! We drew really badly but we could guess what was each other drawing!! hahaa..ME Global livess!!! heh
N not forgetting Jean's horrible drawing of a zebra crossing..which I managed to figure out too! hahaa...GUess that's what 2 years of working together results in...Dowers lives!
n here's presenting the WINNING TEAM!!!!

Come let's just take a look at our atrocious drawing...
Make a guess? Please scroll down for answers...

N once again..had supper tonight with ESSR!!! I just cant get enough of them...
N of cos, lotsa food was being ordered. No choice lah, xiaodi must eat as much as he can during the 2 days tt he's out of Tekong in civilisation....The HK cafe at Kovan is fantastic!! I love the food and the place. Only setback is..they play really old pop songs really loudly!! I wun be surprise if Aaron Kwok's 'Dui Ni Ai Ai Ai' plays one day...
Our Mango Ice Mountain!

Botak!!!! Gosh I look so sleeeeeeeepy here...........

I'm risking getting my head chopped off by showing off this pic..but very cute what!!! So lydia!! heeheee

N tts how much food we ordered....Look at how long the receipt is!!!
We never ever lose our passion for food. When are we starting our own cafe?? LEts work towards that!!

ALrighty..tts all for the nite...need to sleep now..going SOlid Rock to see my kids tom!! So happiee!! Haven seen them for ages ages ages!! NITEY!!! Ooh n my fren just uploaded this pic of me and cArol at JAsmin's wedding 2 weeks back I simply love it! Dun we look like sisters? =)

Good nite!
On the left: Tt's a HOT DOG....Didn't work when i drew a real hot dog, so drew a dog at the bottom...which apparently looks like a cat or mouse! But nevertheless, guishan managed to guess it!!!
On the RIght: The picture in the middle = Castle!
The animal at the bottom = Monkey!
yong, its e wrong D&D!!! jack fell in love wif elynn dat e D&D b4 dat, when we were a10s... e one where they wore cowboys hahahaha =P
OH yah!!!!!!! hahahaa i blur sotong
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