yes! ive MOVED!
FInally...i've moved to reading place!!!
Spent my first night on the 26th JUly!
But my proper mattress is only delivering next 1 week of sleeping on a mattress 5cm thick! Aiyo! ! ! ! but so far so goooood..... =)
Living alone aint easy...gotta learn to be more 'equipment and housework' smart! But its all gooooood! =) Doing my own laundry, cleaning up the house, the toilet, changing the curtains, packing my , buying a chair, etc...everything is now DIY!!!!Good training!
OOOooh n on sat, i went grocery shoppping!!! Bought things like soya sauce, sugar, salt, peppers...things I never ever needed to worry about back home.....Wow..I suddenly feel so GROWN UP! (whahahaha). BUt it was fun!! Stocking up the kitchen...
My FIRST NIght @ REading!

On Friday nite...i finshed work at 11.30pm (latest record so far booo hooo hoo)..n came home to eat microwavable Chicken and Mushroom RIce! IT was pretty good....n its all because...of my POPO CHILLI!!!! YUMMMMMM

Oooh...SHerine ( a fren i met thru Raine's and Joan's weddings) was here over the weekend!
Went out to have some good fun with some of the barcap peeps!! =) LKF was totally squishy! they had some festival there. ooh and for the first time, the police paid a visit to the club we were in!!! It was prety exciting! THe lights were turned on sudddenly...and the 'troop' marched in..checking pple who look under age (they didnt check me! blehhhh i look old)
Tts SHerine, Jerry, Sam and me!

Had supper at Tsui Wah! the only 24 hours eating place at LKF!
N finally ate the Ba Bao Tang that Sam was rattling and praising to the skies about the whole was pretty yong tau foo!

N amazingly.after a late late nite...i managed to wake up for CHURCH!! Praise God!
VIsited ECCHK church TODAY with 2 colleagues, Patrick and VIcki (n met Phin's fren Aaron there!)! FINAALLLY!
I was really excited. Haven gone to church for the past 2 weekends due to different factors (yes excuses I know hahaa) was realy excited to run to church today to Praise God...I miss church..i miss our services...i miss playing for the services...
today when I saw the keyboard on stage..i had this urge to wanna run up there to play!! hahaa...guess serving in the music ministry has become such an integral part of me over the past..hmm8 years? Although I always complain how tired the practices are etc etc..but deep in me...I enjoy serving God in this manner....I enjoy runnig my figgures thru the keys...I like playing freely for the Lord.... well...Lets pray and watch how GOd leads me in HK...whether or not I get to serve in this aspect, its all up to His those in the worship ministry.cntinue to perservere !! it may be physically tiring to play week in and out...but spiritutally refreshing to be serving the Lord every week!! =)
Ok a bit more abt EC...firstly.its an ENGLISH speaking church! =)
The service was held at Marriot Hotel today. They like us (well used to hah) do not have a church they are a little 'nomadic' in nature. THough the services are usually held at the HK convention centre. But when they are not able to book the place, they will hold the services at other today was Marriot! (brought back memories of our CNY/anniversaries services at Marriot Spore =))
The crowd is pretty much from mid 20s to old....A lot of working expats and professionals form the congregation. So well, we pretty much have the same 'secular' background...which I thought is great! Service wise, the congregation is a bit more mellowed than COSB in terms of the clapping, dancing etc during praise n worship.THere was minimal clapping and raising of hands. But Iguess, the manner of worship aint impt...whats more impt are the hearts of the pple. I must say I was touched during the service. Especially when they sang HolyHolyHoly...Jesus Lord Almighty.. I was overwhelmed once again abt the awesomenes of Jesus Christ. How He has sacrificed for us...although we are all sinners. Well, this is a fact. But many times, I need to be reminded of His holiness and grace over and over again. *=(*
N the sermon was very apt too. The pastor (realy humoros guy) spoke about being STILL and calm before th Lord. "Be STILL and know that I am God"..He said in this fast paced HK society, we need to be still and calm and take time to listen to Him. This realy spoke to me. Hving been here for hte past 3 to 4 weeks now, its sooo easy to be lured away and wiggle out of God's words. We need to learn to be still in His presence, amidst the fast moving pace of work and life in general. =)
Still not sure if I am going to stay in this church for good. Gonna visit a few other churches in the next few weekends. Pray for guidance ! =)
Just some pics of the service..and lunch afterwards with some of the churchies!
Had THai food..YUM!

Met sherine again for desserts after lunch!
On the left is Phin's fren, Aaron!

HAI! Theres a story behind the below pic. SHerine is flying back she had limited HKD cash..and me too! I haven got my pay...n i spent evrything so i had 0 HKD!!! So.....we could only have ONE krispy kreme donut to be pathetic it was..haha

Did some shopping at H&M too!!! I was surprised that the prices were pretty reasonable and they had some nice clothes there! But didnt buy too much....cos I had to sign on my SG credit card..not sure how the exchange rates will be like haha
I stil behave like a TOURIST!

ok great..the washing machine is almost done with the clothes...need to get them all out and hang em! byebyeeee
Have a blessed week every1!
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