N...AutoBots...ROLL OUT!
WOW! never tot i will like a show like TraNsFormERS!
never really watched the cartoons when i was young (yes transformers is mY ERA. Im an antique)....never really played with the toys.....but the effects of the movie were great! and at many parts pretty humourous too..One of my fav scenes was when the transformers were tryin to hide from Sam's parents at his house! hahahaha.....
Transformers are soo coool!!! Bumble bee is my favorite one! Hee..
He's silent and gentle yet strong and sweet in his little actions. =) I like !!
If only we can be like the transformers....change into anything we want at anytime..just to stay away from the world hustle and bustle for a while...n just observe and watch....
oooo.....I so wanna buy a toy now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
N ...tonite was the FIRST nite i watched a movie in HK!!! Movie tix here cost a freaking 60 HKD (12SGD)....but my fren had credit card discount so only paid 30 HKD! Dont think i will watch a movie without discount being a cheapppoo! hahahaha..just wait for the DVD to be out! hahaa
N....today is 3rd August!!!!!! My 1 month and 1 day anniversay in HK!!!!
N....Frankly..beginning to feel a little homesick........ =(
wasnt feeling at all good last nite..........been working really late hours.....hai..hope this will improve soon.......
ok i better go retire.........totally drained from the week at work.......
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