when bad things come..they all come together
***sulking*** this weekend
-Phuket trip got cancelled (or rather postponed to Ho Chi MInh in January. Any1 interested to go together) cos of the uprisings..but kinda regretted cos its pretty much settled down in Bangkok now. Pray that Boss and Ann will be safe and sound there n will have loads of fun!
-Scolded my sister..still boiling and trying hard to calm down. I just pray she will really try hard to concentrate on studying for her Os and not be distracted all the time...Lord help me to help her..........grant me patience........i need patience...........
-feeing fat and flabby
- n..some other matters......
HAi..nevertheless, had a great run at bishan park with juan and the rest... trying to train up for the quarter std chart marathon in dec....Hope i will be all ready to complete the 10km in less than an hour??
another thing to be happy about amidst all these bad moods...went shopping with my mum this morning n got a dress for wenny's wedding on monday !! haven shopped with mummy for a long time........
Interesting website below....check that out!!!! Who's Joi to? Apparently, he's my look alike..gosh...but take heart...at least I have a famous singapore and a china star look alike !! -Fiona Xie and Zhang ZIyi!! yoo hoo.....*cheap trill*
N there's also a korean, a japanese n britanny murphy!!..think i've got an international and guy-girl face...
This technology is quite cool...tried loading Scruffy's pic..but no matches came up..hahaa!!! Thank God..