Its beeeeen so hot and dry and hazzzzyyy, like at a desert! Giving me the dizzy spells....
n am havg a nagging 'muscle sore' on my left hand...Not sure why...but feels 'irrritating'! n not sure how to get rid of it! Also feeling a little 'heated'...think I need to down buckets of H20...Cant be sick this weeeeeeeeek........ Thiking abt the coming week makes me depressed. No team members physically around in Spore..Someone's coming back..etc etc etc etc...But welll, there must be some good things that will come out of the week Im sure =))))
Wow..just realised I havent blogged for almost a month.....Unlike Lydia, bloggin takes a concerted amount of effort for me haha...
The past month has been nothing but fun funfun!! Lotsa meet ups, pratas after prata (i visited all the famous prata places in the past 3 weeks. Alamin, Kayu, Casuarina,Crispyprata..bad for my waist line!!!! nO MORE PRATAS!), just truckloads of fun joy and laughter with frens! I know this is a bit random but tonite I feel that I have to really really thank God for all the frens that He has blessed with me over the past 2X years of my life...Whether is it frens from Pri sch (only keeping in touch with 3 of em but its good enough!!!), sec sch, JC, Uni, my dearie churchies whom I kind of grew up with from a geeky little teenager who cant dress for nuts n wears 'Wy wy wonder space t shirt with blue berms every week in church' to the present me (haa Hope there's some improvement), my ex collegues, my present colleagues, yellowstone peepies, etc etc...Frens truly make my world go round...I love alllll of you!!!! =) MuaCksssSSs Ha..
N of cos, how can an entry be completed without PICTURES???? ONce again let the pics do the better with taking pictures then writing!! =)
Let's start from 23rd Sep!!!
WENNY GOT MARRIED! Im so happpppy for her!!!
She looked so blissful and definitely is more n more blissful each day with such a sweet husband...If u r reading this, I want to play with little wenny soon hor... =P
With my favorite dowers...miss u guys
Pretty wenny!!!(If u realised..i have a new dress to wear for weddings ha!) 
Dedicated to Telli wu...
My dearie telli wu was back from TAIWAN for 2 weeks! A fren whom have shared joys and sorrows with me....It was such a great joy seeing her again after one full year? I absolutely salute her for her courage to pursue her passion..Miss u loads..Glad u made the decision to come back in Nov... =)

Its always fun to have an all girls' nites out..endless laughters n heart to heart rambles

1st October...INAUGURATION of first service at our brand new audi!..
My church finally shifted..first service was officially on 1st Oct and its was simply..a BLAST!!!!!!!!!!!!! Standing in the midst of the congregation worshipping in our very own brand new audi was truly a moment to be treasured and remembered..Finally after many many many years of being a 'nomad', my church finally can settle down in a place we can call our 'own' =). Many feelings gushed through me as I was standing there...Touched, Joyfulness, Excitement, Ecstatic, Full of thanks giving n a little proud of how far my church has come thru all the ups and all the downs over the past many years till 2dae.. Praise GOd, He has brought us thru all...n Thank God for all the committed leaders....But at the end of the day, a new place is just a place. No matter how beautiful it is or how majestic it is, it is the pple in it that will bring life to the place...Just pray that the excitement that this new place is generating will spark a fire burning in church, n a sustainable one that is...
Mel was back for the Inaugaration service! Sorry babe didnt spend much time with you this trip...=(
'Hillsongs' Singapore
The kids had fun too!!! PLaying dress up n with all that goodie bags! It was RAINBOW sunday!

Peipei, Nic and CHangyu (not in the pic) were there! thanks for being there guys..means a lot to me =) N the striped guy, tts Kenneth Cole, Lin's fren
Moon cake FEstivalSomehow, the mooncake festive mood wasnt quite as 'strong'...Maybe cos I didnt do much mooncake shopping...only bought 2 boxes of Raffles hotel famous mooncakes..n they were YUMMY!! But THanks to Yilin, her invite to her new house tts nicely tucked next to CHinese Garden added a little more 'qifen' of 'Zhong QIu Jie'.
N for the firrrsssttt time since she shifted in, I finally got to see her artistically decorate home...Love her house!! Will have to crash ur house again soon hor......

In Yilin's cosy room...Photo courtesy of Dia's artistic juices
.Other yilin's house photos are in Jonnie's cam! Will upload if I get them! =)
N not forgetting another mooncake party at PP's place!! Thanks for inviting us PP =)...n for all that yummy Poh piah n meesiaaam!One-Stop Array of MOoncakes........
Perfect Timer group shot heh

N...LYDIA is one of the TOP 24 PROJECT SUPERSTARS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Im soooooo happpppy for Diya!!!
VOTE for this voice n dance powerhouse, who oooozes much charisma n poise, n most importanly, has a BIg heart.
Cant wait to screeeaaam my lungs out in Mediacorp...or even the indoooor stadium!!!!! Supporting u alllllllll the matter what happens...we love u the same old way!!!!!!!!!!!U r forever a superstar in our eyes.. No stress ya? just do u best, like u have always been doing
This was truly a memorable day...immeditely after church, we raced down to suntec (guess who the racer was?) to catch Lydia and hung out at suntec almost the whole afternoon as the competition was till about 7 pm!...felt a little bored after sometime and pop by at the Ritz to enjoy the comforts of the room..haa..went on to eat at the WTC hawker n then to KM8!!!! was really a tiring but superly funfilled day!! Not forgetting to mention Ms Wong's JAL gals...Meeting them needs lotsa to laugh non stop.....hahaa (Ms wong ask vaness to send us the pictures!!!)

President of Diya's Fan Club, Tay Weiquan LEb leb

N presenting..The A1 race driver who raced all the way from Church to SUntec for us to catch Dia in time!We Made it! haa
Caught a Scooop at Vivo with jas n mag...Vivo is.ENORMOUS

NIte Safari - Award winning ok...
went to the NIte safari again! 4th time this year! hahaa...But it was still fun..the company makes all the difference. Same place, different pple, different experiences
The 'Mascot' of Nite safari =P....THanks heaps..for blessing us with entry privileges yet again..
Dinner at Bongos Burgers...yummm
GOtta go sleep...blogging is tiring.......
to end of this's a fren..who never fails to make me smile..
Sad fact is, I realised that ..he's aging..brought him to the same place about a year back, n he was running like a mad dog all over the upper pierce meadows...but yest..he didnt...was panting in the heat and stuck close to us... =( But still my dear old sweeeet Scruf