im BACK in HK!
Hi guys! Im back from hibernation!
Had a great 2 week holiday in Europe! Truly an eye opener..for a frog in a well like me...
The architecture, the paintings, murals, sculptures, scenaries, transportation systems, the people (ahem esp italianos...wahaha), the pasta, countless gelatos, the LVs and Guccis (hee hee) and of cos..the awesome company..made this whole trip one to look back.....
A pity the whole trip was a lil we went from London--fly--Rome--train--Florence--train--Venice--fly--Paris--fly--London..all within a good 15 days!! So u can imagine how tiring it was...Plus..we backpacked!!! n as the day pass...the weight of the backpack increases...But was a wholesome and crazy fun and enjoyable holiday!!
Will try to blog a little everyday! lets start from...Paris! the last stop! My london pics are still in Regine's comp in London!
Paris - At The Lourve...the most famous museum in France..It was really huge! and the number of paintings and sculptures they have is amazing! N look who I found! Miss/Mrs/Ms Mona Lisa! Quite amusing why this painting is so famous...hmmmm
THis was one of my favorite paintings at e lourve!!
Its actually a painting of many paintings..n the paintings are scenaries in Rome! - my favooorite place in europe thus far....Really amazed at how the artist of the past can come up with such detailed and awesome works.
This was taken at Notre Dam
@...the romantic spot of Paris..The Eiffel.
Well, i kinda underestimated this beautiful tower. Heard many say that its old and ugly and yada..but when i was there that nite, not sure why, it just felt magical..and majestic...and...romantic! cheeeesssyy!!
UP @ the Tower!
I cant turn this pic ard i dunno why!
The eiffel goes blink blink every hour! Looks like skinny christmas tree!
MACARONS! No one can miss that in this sweety desserty land of Paris!
N of cos I started loving it partyly cos of my dear fren Sooting whos crazeee over em!
Transport in Paris..
In the train! One thing funny about the trains in tt u can get a FREE ride!!
Seems normal for pple to 'crash' thru the gates...
On our first nite..we had to do tt with our big backpacks..cos it was midnite..and the ticket machine (e only one) was broken down! So a local told us...just go under any hole u see which u can fit! wahahaa....first time im taking ba wang che!
@ Versailles ..abt an hour train ride away from Paris
N of cos..the shopping!!!!!!!! specialised shopping hahaa
OK super sleepy going to bed.......more europe pics to come! I love europe!