The Miracle of Life
Cheesy as this may sound...Life is truly a MiraclE!!......
Recently, 2 of my friends (one colleague and another ex collegue) around me are...PREGGY!!!! Oh My!!...Im totally exhilirated for them! ! ! N watching my colleague's little tummy growing a little by little everyday...N looking pictures of the little foetus when he/she was 4mm long growing to the current 4.2cm long picture (11 weeks old) is totally amazing. In the 4.2cm picture, we could already see the whole baby with the head and legs and a little hand seemingly 'waving'....awww....So CuuuuuuTTeeee!!!!!!!!!! Till today, Im still simply amazed at life's equation egg + sperm = a baBY!! I know it sounds mad...but I really am still truly awed by this miracle of life...How great and creative and intelligent our Creator is.... =) If you are taking your life for granted...Think again...How so wonderfully crafted and miraculously u r brought into this world. Although life may be filled with sufferings and trials, it is already a blessing to be able to be brought into this world to see and experience the beauty and the magnificent creations of God and to experience love and warmth amongst pple...Life is great! Savor every min of it.
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A tribute to Nelly!!
Met up with ex colleagues over the weekend...mainly cos Nelly is leaving for the States on Monday nite...sob sob...This little A11 of mine is such a very interesting character.
- Documents very very extremely detailed-ly on audit work done..(I remember we used to had difficulties trying to get her to reduce on her long and detailed documentation! hee)
- Works like an Owl....She's always working till the weeee hours of the nite!!! We had to always try our very best to chase her home
- Has tonnnnesss and tonnnnesss of clothings and with a very unique sense of dressing! Her shoes and clothes match perfectly everyday. She's in the wrong industry...Will fit perfectly in the colorful fashion industry! =P
- One of my few frens who has a tatoo. N its a larggggeee one!!!
- Can Teeeeehhhhhhh very very well....but only at selected pple =)
- Cant smile at the camera..
- Has a 'Christy Chung' aura about her! ..heh heh
- Has survived an accident where she was hit by a BuS!
- Is extremely considerate and kind and easy going ..
- Despite the peculiarties about this great gal....(hahaha dun scold me!) a very dear fren to keep and treasure...i will miss u lotsie Nelly......See u in NY in Sep ok!!!
Here's the great gal!!! N-E-L-L-Y!!

Really miss the old days with Dowers....all the crazy stuff we used to do..
Im sooooo tempted to post that famous photo of ours during that stayover!!! hahaaa...Some old time piccis...
Stayover at Nel's place

Stayover at my place
Mad faces of Dow

The old Dow elynn's and jackie's farewell
(yet another farewell this Monday nite! =( )

Will miss u NelLy!