feeling a tinge of nostalgia this week...been thinking a lot about the past....
Must be the presence of my dear frens here this week....Changyu, Joanna and Jasmin!!!
All 3 do not know one another....and all came within the same week! So had an influx of Singa air this week! haa...
bad thing was....i was working soooooooooooooo hard this week. Hai, my partner is on leave for 2 weeks (coming back only next next Monday boo ho) so I am some sorta doing a 2 pple job...hai..ended up getting off work earliest 10 everyday...and spending very little time with my 3 dearest frens.... =( and NON of them are spending the weekend here! FAINTS!!
BUt nevertheless, despite their short stay, seeing all 3 of em again fills me with joy..unspeakable joy...really miss all of u peeps in singapore... =) Let me do a little write up on these 3 special frens.hahahaaaa
JOANNA!!! - Know her for 11 years now, since Sec 3!!
This gal....knows me best!! we studied, played, talked about boys, slept (she always bunked over at my place back in sch days! haha), laughed, squealed and did every other thing together! Though the 2 of us grew up and met lesser n lesser (shes a great business woman now! haha), everytime we meet, it will feel like those days back in school again. ALways having endless stuff to talk about and squealing and laughing.....
JOanna and her fren, Karen stayed with me in my little bird cage! It was great fun!!! Karen is sooooo much like JOanna...laughs really loudly...squeals at high pitches wahahha!! (dont kill me!). We had girly chats at nite. Been a long time since I had a PJ party with my girl frens! haha...Thanks Jo for flying down to visit me...n thanks for taking the effort to clean up my place (wel if u know her, seeing her clean up a house is a miracle), making peanut butter bread for me etc etc..oh..and leaving ur lock behind!! hahahah In her words:" Left the lock behind. I have the key. In the future if I grow too pretty and u cannot recgonise me, we will look for each other with that lock and key" FAINTSSSSSSS TTs her, crapper...wahhahhaa

Our treasure whahhahahaha
Jasmin!!!! Know her for 4 years now...from Yellowstone daze...
This fren of mine is another sotong head..haha..always blur blur...but in an adorable way!!! we had so mcuh fun in yellowstone with the other peeeeps! hai...was looking at our pics again in yellowstone..cannot wait to fly back there (next yr rite?) for our 5 year yellowstone reunion!! Hope everyone can make it!!!!!
Jas brought a whole bag of goodies delegated to her from my mama....thanks mama for the colorful straw bag! I loooovvvveee it!!! =))) N i so missed GUARDINIA bread...that Jas had to buy a whole loaf for me!!!! I grew up eating Guardinia..and tasting it again helps alleviate the homesickness....thanks Jas for lugging everthing over =))) n also for the precious durian mooncake! very sweet of u!! =))
CHANNNGGYYUUU! - know him for about 10 years now!! How we became frens was really funy....JOanna was actually like the link (although he doesnt konw joanna!) hahaa..CY was joanna's fren's fren! So I got to know JOanna's fren and the fren introduced me to CY! hahahaha..N we kept in touch till now....
Very special fren, have an extremely LOUD laughter and is one with super many 1000000 frens....Just walking down orchard road..he can meet like 10 frens wahahaha!!
Really happy things are going well for u..and 3 more months only...before I can call u....FIRST OFFICER! or is it SECOND? Aiya i always mix up the ranking! Hai..hope u can fly to HK more often!! n thanks for the FIRST class slippers ;) n GO TO CHURCH AH! Yilin pls drag him.
He visited my place and was SHOCKED at the size....hahaa..

Just another pic of us having steamboat at the same place I brought my fmaily to!

Oh and something else to add...last last weekend, my singa frens living and working in hk and I tried cooking CHAR KWAY TEOW!!! hahaa
...with the ever so yumymy prima deli box......it was...pretty goood! Just look at the salivating picture! =)

Back to reality now....with all my singa frens gone...Jo and karen, i felt so sad last nite when i went back to an empty house again..no laughters and squeals from u gals...=(........
but well..im a survivor!!! hahaa
ok off to enjoy the weeekend! tatas...
missing everybody.....franney